lunes, 13 de abril de 2009



-2 cups gofio
-2 ripe bananas.
-1/2 cup water.
-1/2 cup oil.
-5 tablespoons sugar.

1.-gofio put 2 cups in a large bowl.

2.-add the half cup of water.

3.-the half glass of oil.

4.-and 5 tablespoons of sugar.

5.-and began to stir and knead together.

6.-crsh 2 bananas with the help of fork.

7.-and add the gofio amassed.

8.-and knead it all together again for a while.

Formed as a bread with the dough and cut it into slices.And you will see that the banana with a touch super sweet!


Our installations are located in the cyme of the Arucas' mountain and are surrounded by spacious landscaped areas and four vantage points, oriented to each cardinal point, what makes easier the contemplation of wonderful panoramic views of our island and the neighbour ones.
Saturdays you can taste our 'sancocho canario' (typical food from Canary Islands) and Sundays we offer our well known 'puchero canario', one of the most acclaimed dishes in our menu, with a tradition of 23 years.
Sundays, you can also eat in our marvelous buffet that opens from 13:00 hours to 16:30 hours. The price of our buffet is 14 € (drink included).

Typical Canary recipes

Rabbit in Salmorejo

Ingredientes: 1 rabbit, 5 garlic cloves, 2 peppers, 1 red pepper, 4 chunks of round of fried bread, paprika, a pinch of thyme and oregano.

Elaboration: We divide(depart) the rabbit in chunks, place it in a casserole, whereas apart we do the crushed one (go out, 3 teeth of garlics, a teaspoon of oregano, a spoon of paprika, a pinch of thyme, 1/2 pepper) with a glass of wine and a jet of virgin oil extra; once ground we join everything with the rabbit. I will stop him to rest for some four or five hours. Once passed the foreseen time,fry the rabbit in a frying pan with abundant oil; and we place it in a new casserole. Adding the new one crushed with round of fried bread and the azadura of the rabbit. Later, we stop to cook the rabbit to slow fire during 30 minutes. We can accompany it on one you eat wrinkled.

Mojo picon

Ingredientes: 1 nail head of garlics, 2 peppers piconas, ½ cup of vinegar, 1 teaspoon of paprika, oil, cumins, fat salt.

Elaboration: In a mortar we crush the garlics, the peppers, the cumins, the paprika and fat salt. Finally we add the oil and the vinegar little by little, and without stopping crushing. Some pepper can add mas if he(she) likes the piquant(spicy) one. I wet this one he accompanies perfectly to the meats to the plate or roasted.


Canary food
Canarian cuisine refers to the typical dishes and ingredients in the cuisine of the Canary Islands. These include plentiful fish, generally roasted, papas arrugadas (a potato dish), mojos (such as mojo picón), and wine from the malvasia grape.Mojo is a sauce which may be orange, red, or green depending on its ingredients. Mojo is heavy in garlic and can be moderately spicy, referred to as mojo picón. It is usually made of oil, vinegar, salt, red pepper, thyme, oregano, coriander and several other spices. This is the father to all mojos of Latin America, especially Cuba, Puerto Rico, and Venezuela, due to heavy Canarian emigration, and have also influenced the cuisines of the non-Hispanic Caribbean islands.Papas arrugadas are small potatoes which have been boiled in salt water and are usually served with chicken and topped with mojo. Their name in Spanish means "wrinkled potatoes" and refers to their condition after being boiled and served.One very typical Canarian product is gofio, a flour created by grinding roasted sweetcorn. Gofio is produced locally and is added to many foods and also to warm milk as a drink, as well as made into a dough-like food called pella and eaten alongside meals. It is also made into a hot dip.Canarians widely use olive oil in their foods, which are often prepared from scratch.Other typical Canarian foods include ropa vieja ("old clothes"), a dish of chicken and beef mixed with potatoes and garbanzo beans, and potaje, a generic name for one of many stews. Canarian ropa vieja is the father to Cuban ropa vieja through Canarian emigration.A sweet indulgence is bienmesabe which mean in Spanish "Tastes good to me". It's a paste made from grounded almonds, lemon rind and eggs. It's normally served as a dessert, nowadays sometime with cream or ice cream.
The wine
The wine from the malvasia grape was a product of canarian export since the XVII century, inmediatley after the decline of sugar plantations and until its commerce was blocked by the British navy in the late XVIII. Nowadays the islands produce up to a dozen of protected geographical indications.
Other foods
Other foods include sancocho canario, puchero canario, gofio escaldado, bacalao (bacalhau), plátanos (plantain), pasteles, etc. Canarians often dye their food yellow, using either a local azafran (saffron) or food coloring. Canarians also eat foods typical of the Spanish peninsula, including Spanish tortilla and paella.